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E85 Fuel (30G Drums) GTA Area Only - Free Delivery


Product CodeE85WABHK13
Stock Level20

Earn Reward Points: 345

Dollar Value of Points: $3.45

E85 offers HUGE octane increases and when combined with the JB4 it came make some serious power!

Available 30G Barrels. 

Delivey is FREE in the GTA (Kitchener to Oshawa)

If you are outside this area please email us and we can make arrangements for you.

Each batch is guaranteed to be 85% E-Content

Can I use E85 ethanol fuel with the JB4? If so what mixture should I use?

1) Generally speaking you can run 30-40% E85 without the need for logging or worrying about fuel trims, fuel pressure, etc. Just mix E85 in and select map 5. Done.
2) For those wanting to run higher mixtures (and more power) then you need to datalog. You'll want to first look at your low fuel pressure in the JB4 logs. If that is dropping below 50 then you're maxing out the low fuel pressure and should either reduce the E85 mixture or add a Fuel-IT Stage1 fuel pump upgrade. 
3) Next up look at fuel trims. If they are exceeding 50 in the JB4 logs & open loop is already at or above 90, or if you get 29F2 codes from having too high of an open loop, then you need to add the a back end flash for E85 fuels to extend the fueling range. The E85 flash also features VANOS changes, higher than factory timing advance, and some other stuff designed to help make more power on E85.
4) Finally after the flash and low pressure pump, you need to keep an eye on the high pressure pump. If it drops below 9 @ wide open throttle then you're maxing out the high pressure pump and need to lower the E85 mixture or lower the boost in the areas where it's dropping below 10. Alternatively you can add in a port injection kit, meth kit, or TBI injection kit, to augment the high pressure fuel pump.
5) Most cars will need an inline fuel pump upgrade OR meth to run more than 50% E85. We suggest this inexpensive inline option.
6) Using map 7 requires 50-60% E85, the back end flash, AND the fuel pump upgrade.

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